Campaign results

Nike's racial awareness campaign became at a time where many multi nations were speaking up against president Donald Trump's travel ban. According to Nike's chief executive Mark Parker, the Trump ban threatens Nike's corporate values in regards to accepting and celebration global diversity. Therefore it may have instigated the equality campaigns release. (Craig Adenyanju, 2017)

The focusing message of the campaign is that equality should have no boundaries. Despite the accusations of Nike's involvement in slave labour and sweatshops in Asian countries. The commercial it's self is taking a stand for world equality however, due to these ironic accusations the brand has become less popular in the public eye, minimising the impact of improving diversity and equality globally. The campaign brings the audience down to the core emotion and vulnerability of the lack of diversity that is at times the harsh reality of life. 

Nike has managed to incorporate its campaign in majority of the media including; You Tube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and snapchat. Whilst this allows for positive publicity and recognition of nike's campaign the media is also a way of opening a business up to negative exposure. This stems from consumers having vase access to voicing their opinions on social media networks. Negative backlash is one of the most damaging ways of destroying a brands reputation. In Nike's case their equality campaign has been highly controversial amongst the viewers, coping both positive and negative comments toward their fast growing campaign.


Adenyanju. C. (2017, February 13th). Is Nike protecting its biz with 'Equality'. Retrieved from -vertical

Boren. C. (2017, Febuary 12th). Nike ad sends serious message about equality, opportunity and sicrimination. Retrieved  
       from          opportunity-and-discrimination/?utm_term=.8b9376ef083e


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